Kumi Hospital

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FOAG and Kumi Hospital's achievements:
- Donated X ray machine.
- Funded a heamtology analyser.
- Funding for nurse training.
- Provision of solar electric power units for 3 wards.
- Money to support doctors salaries.
- Provision of Autoclave machine for the new maternity unit.
- Provision of guttering and water storage tanks to provide clean water.
- Provision of fuel for the generator.
- Provision and installation of generator to provide vital power during frequent power cuts.
FOAG aims to support Kumi Hospital in any way possible, whether by provision of equipment,
funds or volunteers.
Communication with Kumi can be difficult due to the variable power status but despite this
FOAG is able to maintain close links with Dr Opolot, the hospital Superintendent.
In 2005 Dr Opolot came to England to address a conference in Worcestershire and concluded
his remarks by saying "nothing is too small for Kumi".
News July 2010
Kumi hospital is experiencing challenging times at present due to financial pressures. Dispite this it continues to provide vital medical and surgical treatment to local people. FOAG's support enabled the purchase of a haematology analyser which has significantly improved the speed of accessing blood test results and therefore faster patient treatment.
The new maternity unit is functioning well with the autoclave, funded by FOAG, playing a
vital role in the day to day running of the unit. IV giving sets and catheters have been
donated to the unit by the Special Care Baby Unit in Worcester and funds raised by a group
of local young mothers have been donated for purchase of other much needed equipment.
To find out more please go to www.kumihospital.org.
Kumi Hospital is a private, not-for-profit, 350 bed hospital providing medical and surgical treatment for children and adults.
On going support:
- Continued support with Doctors salaries and nurse training.
- Continued support with fuel for the generator.
- Provision of much needed medical equipment for the hospital and new maternity unit.
- Pursue possibility of linking with Worcestershire Royal Hospital to enable doctor sponsorship, equipment recycling and staff donations.
Kumi Hospital is a Private Not for Profit hospital in rural Eastern Uganda which transformed from a leprosy centre to a general hospital in 1997. The hospital has a 350 bed capacity providing a wide range of care for children and adults in medicine, surgery, primary care. Rehab and Community Based Rehabilitation workers. AMREF Flying Doctors service offers VVF repairs and reconstructive surgery. The hospital is the regional referral unit for leprosy and TB in Eastern Uganda. Kumi receives minimal government support and relies upon charitable support to continue its work.