Contact Consent Form
Recently the charities sector has had very bad press about their bombarding their donors with communications (post, emails, texts and telephone calls) and the selling of mailing lists to third parties.
At FOAG we have several electronic lists for individual donors. Our main list contains names addresses and email addresses of our Supporters. This allows us to update you with newsletters, events and individual appeals mainly by post. We also keep a record of donations to allow us to claim Gift Aid from HMRC for those who pay tax. HMRC require us to supply a name, the first line of your address, your post code and the amount of the donation. We also have a list of email addresses to contact you with news, events and appeals.
New rules on personal Data Protection came into force on 25th May 2018 require us to obtain your consent to receive communications from FOAG. You are able to opt out of receiving communications. The rules appear to say that unless you respond positively, we are obliged to remove you from our lists. We have produced this page on the website so that you can give your consent electronically by filling the adjacent form.
You are able to revoke any permission given at any time either by writing to us or emailing [email protected].
We will only contact you by post or email. Furthermore we will not communicate or 'sell' your details to a third party.